

MPA, Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington


BS, Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Awards and affiliation


Pi Alpha Alpha, the National Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration.


Fellow, Henry M. Jackson Foundation


Fellow, University of Washington Program on Climate Change.


MacArthur Foundation Grant for Research and Writing (shared with Patrick Mazza).


2013 –

Hammerschlag LLC, Olympia, WA

2010 – 2013

Washington Department of Commerce, Olympia, WA
Senior Energy Policy Specialist

2007 – 2010

Stockholm Environment Institute – U.S., Seattle, WA
Senior Scientist

2000 – 2005

Institute for Lifecycle Environmental Assessment, Seattle, WA
Founder and Executive Director

1997 – 1999

Electrokinetics, Inc., New York, NY
Project Manager

1995 – 1997

Digital Image Design, New York, NY
Project Manager

1990 – 1994

Boeing, Seattle, WA
Project Manager

Projects, 1999 – present


Environmental Impacts of Wind & Solar Energy. Develop programmatic environmental impact statements (PEISs) for the Washington State Department of Ecology, covering utility-scale solar and onshore wind energy developments constructed from present through 2045. As subcontractor to prime Anchor QEA.


Life-Cycle Assessment of Canadian Wood Pellet Fuels. Evaluate carbon balance of wood pellets manufactured in British Columbia and Quebec, exported for use in Great Britain. Includes quantifying impacts to Canadian forest carbon stock.


Life-Cycle Assessment of Plastic Bottle Caps. Advisory role for a firm evaluating a novel manufacturing method for recyclable bottle caps. Ensure rational computational methodologies and ISO 14044 compliance.


Corporate GHG Inventories and Projections. Advisory role to consulting firm Bridge Partners, supporting computation of GHG inventories and future projections for two large, technology-sector firms.


University of Washington GHG Inventories. Advisory role to consulting firm Cascadia Consulting Group, supporting computation of calendar year 2019 and calendar year 2022 GHG inventories for UW, including medical facilities and including upstream emissions from energy and product consumption.


Vermicomposting Project Development. Compute carbon balance of dairy manure digested by worm-based biodynamic aerobic systems. For Biofiltro, Inc.


Launch Albedo Policy Development. Collaborate with NGO Climate Resolve to launch the Shine On Initiative. Includes facilitation of academic workshop on albedo impacts; science interpretation; journal article authorship; program workgroup facilitation.


Carbon Balance of Mechanical Vapor Recompression. Compute carbon balance of dairy manure processed to dry solids, aqueous ammonia, and water. For Sedron Technologies.


Carbon Footprinting of Fuel Distribution Facility. Provide life-cycle GHG emissions of demolition and construction relating to a fuel distribution facility expansion, as well as life-cycle GHG emissions of customer fuels handled by the facility.


Biochar Project Development. Assist a biochar project developer with energy and mass balancing of industrial process design, and with GHG reduction monetization.


Cool Roofs Methodology Development. Develop a cool roofs methodology for approval in the Climate Action Reserve’s Climate Forward program. The methodology covers both an HVAC effect relating to the reduced demand for air conditioning energy; and an albedo effect relating to reflectance of solar radiation back into space. In collaboration with Climate Resolve.


Pipeline Gas from Digester Gas. Compute carbon intensities of renewable natural gas generated at various anaerobic digester projects throughout the U.S. for registration in low-carbon fuel regulatory systems in California, Oregon, and British Columbia.


Methow Valley GHG Inventory. Compute 2019 GHG inventory of towns and forestland in the Methow River watershed. For Methow Valley Citizens’ Council.


Embodied Carbon in Building Materials. Review tools and methodologies available for assessing “embodied carbon” (extraction-, manufacturing- and transport-stage GHG emissions) of building materials. Recommend best practices for airport building projects. For the Port of Seattle.


Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage. Implement heuristic model of carbon dioxide emissions and sequestration associated with deployment of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), including growth effects in harvested landscapes. For Nature Resources Defense Council.


Thurston Climate Mitigation Plan. Facilitate development of a plan to measure and reduce GHG emissions in Thurston County, WA. Coordination among a 33-member Climate Advisory Workgroup, five topic focus groups, a 15-member Steering Committee, and the Thurston Regional Planning Council. In collaboration with Cascadia Consulting Group.


University of Washington Sustainability Plan. Provide lead facilitation and analysis toward developing the University of Washington’s first Sustainability Plan. The plan is built around performance scoring accounted in the AASHE Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Reporting System (STARS).


LCFS Electricity from Digester Gas. Steward multiple novel fuel pathways through California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) carbon intensity certification process. These fuel path way deliver electricity generated with digester gas-to-energy projects at dairy farms.

2017 – 2018

Contribution analysis. Work together with ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the City of Bellevue, and King County to develop a quantitative method for scaling drivers of change underlying GHG inventories of local governments.

2017 – 2018

Ground Transport Inventory Streamlining. Program a calculator utilizing best available data resources available at Seattle Tacoma International Airport, for estimating annual emissions associated with passenger and employee ground transport to and from the airport.

2016 – 2018

LA County Offset Projects Review. Work together with NGO Climate Resolve to quantify and evaluate GHG reduction projects proposed to mitigate emissions induced by the Newhall Ranch development in LA County, California.

2016 – 2017

Oil-Free Washington Support. Assess home heating GHG reduction potentials in Washington counties. Build a calculator computing GHG reductions from residential heating conversion projects. Negotiate policy strategies with a stakeholders’ coalition managed by Enhabit.

2015 – 2016

GHG emissions of waste management. Help a major waste hauler inventory operational emissions, as well as life-cycle emissions associated with hauled waste. Design GHG reduction programs, and develop institutional knowledge to assist the hauler’s customers with community waste GHG reduction programs.

2013 – 2014

Life-cycle assessment of wood pellet fuels. Assess impacts to the climate and to forests in the U.S. Southeast, induced by demands for wood pellet fuel from Drax Power Station in England. Includes forest vegetation modeling. For Natural Resources Defense Council.

2013 – 2014

University of Washington Climate Action Plan Implementation. Generate marginal abatement cost curve, and facilitate selection of proposed greenhouse gas reduction measures. Strengthen institutional greenhouse gas inventory process. Facilitate policy development around greenhouse gas targets, offset project development, and offset purchases.

2012 – 2013

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Performance Standard. Manage a stakeholder process and companion quantitative analysis to revise Washington State’s greenhouse gas emissions performance standard applying to electric utilities.


2013 Biennial Energy Report for Washington.  Survey energy statistics and policy issues for Washington State.  Includes literature review on greenhouse gas balance and costs of using natural gas to displace other fossil fuels.

2010 – 2012

Washington State Energy Strategy. Manage a stakeholder process and companion quantitative analysis to project energy resources and demands over a 30-year horizon, and recommend policies to minimize energy costs and greenhouse gases, and maximize green jobs in Washington State.

2009 – 2010

Consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions inventory for Oregon. Direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions estimates associated with products and services consumed by Oregon’s citizens, businesses and institutions.


Life-cycle assessment of alternative fates for forestry waste. Compare greenhouse gas and criteria air pollutant emissions from competing fates for slash resulting from Pacific Northwest logging operations. For U.S. EPA and Olympic Region Clean Air Agency.


City of Seattle greenhouse gas policy analysis. Forecast impacts of existing and proposed policy instruments on the municipal greenhouse gas inventory.


World trade modeling for forestry products. Apply global economic storylines to the GTAP trade model and scale down results to create scenarios for specific forests. In cooperation with Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

2007 – 2008

Washington State greenhouse gas policy analysis. Forecast impacts of existing and proposed policy instruments on the state greenhouse gas inventory. Includes significant work with U.S. EPA WARM model. For Center for Climate Strategies.


Food, Feed & Fuels knowledge survey. Surveyed published and institutional knowledge on food and fuels pressures on land use. In cooperation with Dutch NGO Hivos.


Meta-analysis of global land use models. Derive fundamental model parameters that determine forecasts of global capacity for biofuels.


City of Seattle greenhouse gas inventory.


University of Washington greenhouse gas inventory.


Registries & verification for forestry offsets. Chapter author for a manual on quantification of greenhouse gas sequestration in forests. For Environmental Resources Trust.


King County greenhouse gas inventory.

2003 – 2005

Energy efficiency and integrated resource planning. Represented the Washington State Attorney General’s office in proceedings relating to the integrated resource plans and energy efficiency programs of utilities regulated by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission.

2003 – 2004

Critical analysis of the hydrogen economy. Under a MacArthur Foundation Grant for Research and Writing.


Seattle City Light greenhouse gas inventory audit.

2001 – 2005

Electric generator environmental validation. Validated environmental and energy specifications of renewable energy resources for the Bonneville Environmental Foundation.

2000 – 2002

State Registries Collaborative. Assisted the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the U.S. EPA to convene the State Registries Collaborative, providing state governments that are establishing greenhouse gas registries with a forum for sharing methodologies and experiences.

2000 – 2001

Life-cycle impacts of biomass energy. With Antares Group Inc. and NRDC.

2000 – 2001

Tradable renewable certificates policy development. For Environmental Resources Trust in Washington, DC evaluated possible roles of tradable renewable certificates in open and closed greenhouse gas markets.


Emissions associated with distributed generation. For NRDC.


Transportation emissions modeling. For NRDC.

Refereed journal articles

Hammerschlag, R.  Bringing Albedo to the GHG Market.  Greenhouse Gas Management (in production).

Hammerschlag, R. – Legislating the Highway Act of 1956: Lessons for Climate Change Regulation.  Environs: Environmental Law and Policy Journal 31 (2007) 59-102.

Hammerschlag, R. – Ethanol’s Energy Return on Investment: A Survey of the Literature 1990-Present.  Environmental Science & Technology 40 (2006) 1744-1750.

Pro, B.; Hammerschlag, R. & Mazza, P. Energy and Land Use Impacts of Sustainable Transportation Scenarios. Journal of Cleaner Production 13 (2005) 1309-1319.

Hammerschlag, R. & Mazza, P. Questioning Hydrogen. Energy Policy 33 (2005) 2039-2043.

Schaber, C.; Mazza, P. & Hammerschlag, R. Utility Scale Storage of Renewable Energy. Electricity Journal 17 (2004) 21-29.

Greene, N. & Hammerschlag, R. Small and Clean is Beautiful: Exploring the Emissions of Distributed Generation and Pollution Prevention Policies. Electricity Journal 13 (2000) 50-60.

Other publications

Washington State Department of Commerce.  Washington 2021 State Energy Strategy: Transitioning to an Equitable Clean Energy Future. December 2020. (Contributor)

Stanton, E.A, Bueno, R., Ackerman, F., Erickson, P., Hammerschlag, R, and Cegan, J. Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Oregon’s Consumption: Technical Report. Somerville, MA: Stockholm Environment Institute-U.S. 2011.

Hammerschlag, R.; Johnson, F. X.; Lee, C.; Ziervogel, G.; Kemp-Benedict, E. & Kartha, S. – Food, Feed & Fuels: A Knowledge Survey and Framework.  The Hague: Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (Hivos) 2008.

Hammerschlag, R. & Schaber, C. Energy Storage, Transmission and Distribution. In Kreith, F. & Goswami, Y, (eds.), Handbook of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, CRC Press 2007 18-1 – 18-20.

Hammerschlag, R. Choosing a “Green” Car. Solar Today, Nov/Dec 2005 30-31.

Mazza, P. & Hammerschlag, R. Carrying the Energy Future: Comparing Hydrogen and Electricity for Transmission, Storage and Transportation. Seattle, WA: Institute for Lifecycle Environmental Assessment 2004.

Greene, N.; Hammerschlag, R. & Martin, J. From Plants to Power Plants: Cataloging the Environmental Impacts of Biopower. New York, NY: Natural Resources Defense Council 2002.

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